Thursday, February 2, 2017

Midwinter Updates

Welcome back to the eMUSE eZine

Check out the upcoming events in the calendar at the right and the articles below!

Calendar of Upcoming Events
Classroom Research in the Teaching of Literacy K-12
WritEL Grant Launches!
Disciplinary Literacies Showcase
Upcoming Inkstains Summer Camp 
EMWP Summer Institute: Initiatives in Writing

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Launching Our Community

by  Geneva (Marsack) Korytkowski

Last year, was launched as the main site for all EMWP happenings, focusing on parents, administrators, and potential teacher consultants as the audience. There was an EMWP Teacher Consultant Community page which remained unused but had untapped potential. This past semester, the community page has been revised to focus on the current teacher consultants of the EMWP.

Teacher consultants will find pictures of events (perfect for your personal and professional use), archived summer institute websites, the EMWP blog that will launch at the end of the month, professional opportunities (job postings and education), fellow TC blogs, opportunities for teachers to continue being writers, the professional library catalogue, and more.

We hope to involve more of you in building the community site, especially when it comes to writing. The blog that will launch at the end of the month would feature at least one TC’s post which could be a reposting from your own blog. If interested, please contact Geneva at or

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Everyday Advocacy

An Eastern Michigan Writing Project Summer Institute
                                    June 27 -29, 2017       9am – 3pm each day
Eastern Michigan University Campus, Ypsilanti, MI

Sadly, the ongoing conversation about school reform too often leaves out the voices of teachers—those who are most intimately acquainted with the day-to-day issues that impact students and their learning. We believe that these voices are essential ones for policy makers to hear, but we recognize as well the pressures on teachers to remain silent.

How can teachers safely enter the conversation?  In this workshop, we’ll help you become part of that conversation as you learn how to develop your personal stories into a public narrative, starting from anecdotes and building toward an action plan.  By the end of day 3, you should have an action plan to take back to your classroom and school.

The workshop is facilitated by Dr. Cathy Fleischer, EMWP co-director, author of Teachers Organizing for Change, and lead developer for the Everyday Advocacy website.

Who can apply? To apply, please fill out the online form (link below) by May 1, 2017.  If more than 25 apply, teachers will be selected based on three criteria: (1) commitment to the topic; (2) school and subject area representation (i.e., diversity in grade level; school location; school size, etc.); and (3) connection to the NWP network.

Is there a cost?  $75 for the three days.  Payment is due on the first day of the Institute.

Further questions? Contact Cathy at

Registration link:  Read more!