Registration is now open for The EMWP Literacy Coaching Institute
Julia Keider,
Teacher Consultant (’01) and Institute Facilitator
Eastern Michigan Writing Project is proud to announce the
Literacy Coaching Institute, intended to bridge the communication and resources of literacy coaches in Michigan.
The Literacy Coaching Institute will focus on the effective collaborative strategies of teachers, teacher-leaders, coaches, administrators, and directors of coaching programs to build a capacity for improving literacy instruction strategies and routines.
The Literacy Coaching Institute Launch, scheduled for Thursday, June 6th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the EMU Student Center, will provide the initial resources for literacy coaching. Facilitators will outline the Institute’s purposes and its future aspirations.
During the Literacy Coaching Institute on June 20th and 21st, facilitators will discuss the purposes of coaching norms; address the importance of establishing trusting relationships in work environments; demonstrate one-on-one coaching sessions; and explore a future professional network of coaches in our region.
The registration cost for the Coaching Institute is $120 per person, which includes dinner on June 6th and the two-day workshop. Interested participants can contact EMWP Professional Development Coordinator Sarah Lorenz at sarahloren@gmail for more information. Registration Forms are available on the EMWP website and should be sent via e-mail to Julia Keider (TC ’01) at
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