Monday, October 10, 2016

EMU Wins Grant For English Learning Program

EMWP is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a 2.5 million dollar U.S. Department of Education grant for five years of programming to improve services to English Learners in our area. This work is a collaboration with Dr. Zuzana Tomas in the EMU Department of World Languages. The national Professional Development Program grant is an initiative of the Office of English Language Acquisition. The grant has the following program goals:

  • Offer high quality professional development to teachers and paraprofessionals through an intensive, 54 hour program of teacher inquiry groups and PD each year.
  • Conduct a randomized controlled trial or quasi-experimental design studying the effects of a program of professional development to improve writing achievement for ELLs.
  • Offer professional development to administrators, counselors, and school psychologist through two day long workshops each year
  • Enhance the preservice preparation and teacher induction of TESOL students at Eastern Michigan University through participation with the inservice PD and after-school tutoring with opportunities to implement teaching strategies from methods courses.
  • Provide tuition toward TESOL  certification and career-ladder opportunities for teachers and paraprofessionals through the inservice program and additional scholarships, with the goal of 50 newly credentialed TESOL teachers in the region at the end of the 5 year program period.

More information will be coming soon about the professional development portion of ht grant for TCs who may be interested in participating and earning a TESOL certificate.

We will also be seeking instructional coaches to work with teachers during the school day during second semester of this year and for next year as they implement practices from the professional development program. If you are interested, have experience teaching English learners, and have daytime availability, please contact Sarah Lorenz at or .

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