Arise and Learn:
The Saturday Seminars
Bill Tucker, Director
Another year, another series of “
Literacy for Life,” giving teachers a reason to rise and learn one Saturday each month. Yes, it's new and improved, but it builds on the best the Writing Project has to offer:
• 2-3 sessions each month from September – May
• a 6-college series coordinated with the WISD’s Literacy Summit
• a K-5 series demonstrating the keys to a successful workshop classroom
• a literacy coaching series to solve problems for teachers and coaches
These sessions will bring new faces to Saturday morning, but we will also spotlight familiar faces to stress the fundamentals of the EMWP: teacher as writer (National Novel-Writing Month, National Day of Writing); teacher as consultant (“Writing with Special Education Students”); and teacher as researcher (“Raising Our Voices: Writing for Action”).
As in the past, we’ll hold these meetings at Pray-Harrold (EMU) on the first Saturday of the month (oops, the first one is on September 20), with breakfast at 9:30 a.m. and sessions running concurrently from 10 to 11 a.m. The entire schedule is attached here.
To make us happy and register in advance, fill out this form and return it to our office, even if you want to bring payment later. If you have to surprise us on Saturday, that’s o.k. We’re glad to see you anyway.
A special plea from the director: anyone want to sign up and bring bagels and muffins on one Saturday? Instant reimbursement and heartfelt appreciation. E-mail Bill Tucker:
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