Literacy from K to Perpetuity
Bill Tucker
Our Saturday Seminars will resume October 5 with a planning workshop for the National Day Writing. Yes, they are still celebrating writing on October 20, and we have ideas to promote writing in your community.
We will hold six such seminars (
schedule and registration attached) during the school year, offering up to twelve clock hours for those wanting to notch their professional development belt. We appreciate pre-registration, so we can prepare for breakfast and appetizing handouts, but if you show up unannounced we will welcome you anyway.
Park in the beautifully repaved Jones-Goddard lot south of Pray-Harrold (EMU) and ascend to the third floor, where (continental) breakfast will be served at 9:30 a.m. The program begins at 10:00 a.m.
As we did last year, we will sponsor a College Panel at 11:30 a.m., which will reflect on how the featured writing skills prepare students for college.
Join us on the second Saturday of most months, except in October, when we jumpstart the National Day of Writing October 5.
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