Sunday, October 30, 2016

Eastern Michigan Writing Project Descends Upon Atlanta

With our multiple grants in play, the EMWP will send six representatives to the NWP Annual Meeting November 17 in Atlanta.

Under the Teacher Leadership grant, Bill Tucker and Erin Umpstead will attend, hanging on for the NCTE Convention, which follows.

Under the College-Ready Writers grant, Jeff Taylor and Dave Kangas will attend and meet with other College-Ready Writers coordinators on Friday, November 18.  Under the new  WRITELL grant (for English Learners), Sarah Lorenz and Kim Pavlock will attend on Thursday and Friday.

Besides the reflection on the last year's work, the Annual Meeting provides a wide range of workshops on teaching writing for the many purposes we now address in our broadening professional development. 

Anyone attending NCTE is welcome to join this group for a Thursday evening dinner at an Atlanta restaurant. 

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