Saturday, January 31, 2015

Family Literacy Initiative Training Institute

July 23, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Kim Pavlock

EMWP’s Family Literacy Initiative has offered more than 200 workshops to more than 4,600 participants since 2006, helping parents and families understand how they can support their children and teens as writers. We present in schools, churches, and non-profit sites and have developed twelve separate kinds of workshops. Response has been overwhelmingly positive to these workshops, and they have become a hallmark of our NWP site.

Are you interesting in learning how you can develop a similar family outreach program at your site? Join us on the campus of EMU for a day-long institute focusing on what we do, how we do it, and what we’ve learned over the past nine years.

Cost is $75 (which includes breakfast and lunch). To reserve a spot, contact Kim Pavlock, EMWP Youth and Family Programs Coordinator, at

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