Monday, January 17, 2011

Professional Development

PD requests continue to trickle in, almost always as a result of TCs advocating for us at their schools (or sometimes their kids’ schools). Remember our mantra: Shameless Self-Promotion. It works both individually and collectively, so get on those curriculum and accreditation committees, knock on that principal’s door, email that curriculum director.

EMWP is now an official External Provider for professional development services through the Michigan Department of Education, so we can provide PD for schools receiving grant funds under Title I, Targeted Assistance, Title I Accountability Grant, School Improvement Grant, etc. Please recommend us if you have connections in one of these schools. We are also exploring adding coaching services. If you are working in some capacity as a literacy/reading/writing coach, please email Sarah Lorenz at and give an update as to how your work is structured.

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