Friday, February 5, 2010

MA in English Studies for Teachers: A Perfect Fit for EMWPers
Cathy Fleischer, EMWP co-director

What do EMWP Teacher Consultants Jill Fyke, Liz Scott, Kelly Hart, Dale Palmer, Kristin Grahek, and Alli Kaplan have in common? They’re all students in EMU’s new MA in English Studies for Teachers. Specifically designed for middle and high school English teachers, this graduate program provides opportunities for teachers to

• Increase their knowledge base in language, literature and writing
• Learn, reflect on and plan new ways of teaching secondary English
• Examine and discuss the questions, controversies and expectations of teaching English in 21st century schools
• Conduct research in their own classroom
• Join a community of teachers to study and learn
• Become leaders in the classroom, school, district and across the profession!

Perfect for EMWPers, participation in the Summer Invitational Institute and continuity meetings counts for 6 credits of the 30 credit MA. And, even more important, it builds on the same principles that drive the National Writing Project.
And how are these EMPWers feeling about the program? According to Kelly, “The MA program in English Studies for Teachers is ideal because it covers an array of diverse topics relevant to secondary English classroom. It allows you to use your experiences as an educator as a foundation which you build upon with the new insights you gain through the courses. Much like the EMWP, the program offers personal choice, fosters collaborative learning, provides insight into contemporary issues, and allows for research in areas of interest. I am learning how to critically examine literature and research, construct my own position, and transfer it into my individual pedagogy.”

Want to learn more about the program? Go to our website at for information and to download a brochure. And spread the word to colleagues and friends who might benefit from this kind of program.

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